Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Do Your Share
Do: Be a good citizen and a good neighbor • Care about and pursue the common good • Be a volunteer — help your school and community be better, cleaner and safer • Protect the environment by conserving resources, reducing pollution, and cleaning up after yourself • Participate in making things better by voicing your opinion, voting, serving on committees, reporting wrongdoing and paying taxes

Respect Authority and the Law
Do: Play by the rules • Obey parents, teachers, coaches and others who have been given authority • Observe just laws • Honor and respect principles of democracy

Daftar Pustaka:
  • "Six Pillars of Chracter" by Josephson Institute

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Mengapa Ada Banyak Gereja

Pertanyaan mengenai mengapa ada begitu banyak gereja dapat dilihat dari berbagai perspektif teologis, budaya, dan sejarah. Berikut adalah be...